Andrea Browne
2 min readJan 5, 2022


Blessings on deck.

Ooo let’s kick this week off with some tea ☕️


Abundance is everywhere.

With all things.




Yet others speak of it like it’s only about the 💰



Progress is progress. One step at a time.

Let’s take a second to think about it…


Where were you last year?

Mentally, Spiritually or physically.

Where are you now?


🤟For real, tell me. I’m listening🤟


Story time…

Last year at this time I was building this magnificently magical business.


Sharing light while in the darkness.

Depression & anger runnin WILD.

Chaos magic. Meeting new versions of myself.

In a home where love wasn’t enough and violence was always the answer.


This morning I woke up in my adorable home. With my beautiful pack.

Made coffee, it was delicious.

Put on a silk robe.

Told friends and family I loved them.


At peace and happy. 🥰🥰




I have lived through the darkness.

Overcame addictions.

Stoped the abuse.

Learned REAL love.

Accepted responsibility for my choices.

Worked through the consequences of my actions, both good and bad.

Set the life I knew on fuckin FIRE 🔥


All to be here. In this moment.

Counting my blessings.


I love you my dudes.

Don’t forget to look at the bigger picture.

Our existence is made up of a succession of seconds that can never be repeated. Bask in the glory of all that you are and all that you will be.



The goddess of your universe!

The god of your universe!

Divine power pulsating through your veins.



Andrea Browne

Hey Hey my dudes. I am Andrea Browne. I am a goddess. I am a witch. I am all mother fucking powerful. If you’re with the shit, you’ll join me for tea.